This time on The Children’s Hour, we learn about climate change from Dr. David Gutzler, professor emeritus at the University of New Mexico in the Earth and Planetary Sciences department with a specialization in climate science.

We learn what causes climate change, and what we can expect in the future if we make no changes. It is especially concerning to children that many adults are not taking the actions needed to stop catastrophes. Dr. Gutzler helps us understand why changing behavior and technologies to address the warming planet, is so difficult for many to adopt.

The Kids Crew wanted to know how they can help save animals from extinction due to climate change, and how they can get global decision-makers to address the crisis of their lifetimes. We also find out about melting ice sheets, and how the added water to our oceans will impact communities worldwide.

Kids are leaders in the climate change movement today. We hear music honoring our beautiful planet, the activists who are standing up for future generations.

Learn a lot more about Climate Change from the United Nations and from NASA.

Get technical and read the papers Dr. Gutzler has written about climate change over the years.

This show is mixed with inspiring music to motivate listeners to care about our Planet Earth.


Produced by and written by Katie Stone and Christina Stella. Chad Sheer was our live engineer.

This episode was recorded at the Outpost Performance Space in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA. 

© The Children’s Hour Inc.

Playlist: Our Changing Climate