
What are Listeners are Saying!

{I am a big kid (in my 60’s) who loves your program. I am an elementary school counselor for APS that is trying to bring awareness to my students about the plastic plight in the world. OMG!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was in the comfort of my home listening and hanging onto every word those young people spoke about the critical fear they are experiencing about their world in their future.
mystery person
{That kid “Julia” is so cute – love to listen to here. Well, so many of the kids. You bring out the best in them.
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Jim Terr, Las Vegas, New Mexico
{Fabulous Job everybody! I really enjoyed listening to it and so glad people called in to share favorite public art info!
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Sherri Brueggemann
{We listen to your show just about every week and really enjoy the music and guests. Last week you played something that my daughters loved by a group of girls from New Jersey called the jellybeans. It was great to hear kids and I thought it was one of the better songs I’ve heard, very well done. Sixth grade girls? My kids went back to listen to it again. My daughters are 8 and 10 and thought it was “so cool.”  Keep up the good work.
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Jim Gormley
{You guys do a wonderful job on the radio.
mystery person
{Katie and the whole kids area are the BEST! Thanks for all the great work – keep it up!
mystery person
{Great show this morning.
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Steve Spitz
{We’re some of the older “kids” (grandparents, actually) that listen to and love your show. You do such a wonderful job of really making The Children’s Hour, for and by the children. We love hearing their voices and their cute, candid and sometimes surprising comments. (And we have a nine-year old granddaughter named Siena. She lives in Hawaii, and I often send her links to shows that I think she’d especially like to listen to.) And we really enjoy hearing you interact with the kids who you obviously really like being with. We also really appreciate and use the information you share and how you help connect it to our lives, especially in New Mexico. You explore so many different areas — relationships, health, current events, history, nature, academics, and more. And you don’t shy away from topics that some might think children shouldn’t be exposed to, like when a parent has cancer or foster children, but of course, these topics are the reality of so many children’s lives. Thank you so much for all your work and the love you share for our children, New Mexico and the world.
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Lisa and Robert Gosper-Espinosa
{Wonderful wonderful show—we’re still laughing!—great way to kick off the weekend—
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Professor Paul Ford, Albuquerque, NM
{On The Children’s Hour, archaeologist Dr. Matt Schmader’s fascinating talk informed me that the middle Rio Grande valley has been home to people for over 12,000 years. Albuquerque is the longest constantly inhabited city in the USA. I’m 70 years old, but I love some of the shows on The Children’s Hour like the one on pi.
mystery person
Lois West, Ranchos de Taos, NM
{I discussed the Every Kid Outdoors Act on KUNM’s The Children’s Hour. Learn more about the bill and hear some good ideas for places to hike with children in New Mexico.  
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Senator Martin Heinrich
{A fabulous program today! Well produced and interesting from the the live interviews to the pre-recorded interview with Weird Al and everything in between. Very entertaining all-around and seamless. You and the kids did a great job. Rob Raucci You got the chops.
mystery person
{My grandson and I love the Children’s Hour. I have been listening since his Dad was young, for 20+ years. This gave a great reason to finally go to Meow Wolf. We stayed after the show and loved it! Joe West was an extra treat! Thanks for all you do for kids!
mystery person
{You’re the best Katie! I like how you made all the kids feel comfortable and engaged them with questions! Great group thinking and dialogue. Thank you!
mystery person
{My wife and I are 67 and 70 and we are faithful listeners to your program. The focus on spiders today was especially well-done with oodles of information. We have four granddaughters aged: 9, 8, 7, and 6 – 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st grades. Two live in Wisconsin and 2 live in Colorado. We wish they lived closer so they too could enjoy your show. Thank you for engaging children in so many important topics and never talking-down to them.
mystery person
{Great show! You are so good at interviewing the kids & of course those were some amazing kids.
mystery person
{That was GREAT Katie- The Woody stuff was terrific! Enjoyed it immensely!
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David Michaelson
{I have been wanting to share my deep gratitude to you; for all of the amazing, rich, educational, connective, environmental, peaceful, consciousness raising music and info you share on your show. i am always so impressed by your content and i greatly enjoy it. your kind, compassionate and enthusiastic voice is uplifting and ever supportive of engaged community. you rock!
mystery person
{The end of the children’s hour this morning made me cry… We enjoyed your show today.
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Maureen Dolan
{OMG, loved the show today (as usual)! The discussion with the kids is amazing!
mystery person
{Hi. Long time listener, first time E-Mailer… and my birthday was in June, so I missed the birthday club (again) this year. I probably don’t need a shout out anyway since it was the 20th Anniversary of my 39th B-day. My wife says I have to get older, but I counter by saying I don’t have to grow up – which is one of the reasons I like your show so much. More seriously: I thought the last segment this morning was not only particularly good but very powerful. Everything last week has been reminding me of where I was 10 years ago. I was in my sun room, chopping up stuff for my compost pile, listening to an interview by Susan Stamberg on Morning Edition. Which was interrupted. My first thought was, “If they’re interrupting Susan Stamberg whatever it is must be REALLY important.” And it was … still is. Your show this morning brought home a new perspective to me. It’s not enough to suppress my rage; to try to keep from hating Islam and all it’s adherents, whether fanatical or casual. It’s not enough to vote and express my (strong) opinion to my representatives about how there are good reasons to fight a war and there are stupid reasons and how to tell the difference (Clue: If it will help you get more votes, it’s not a good reason!) In short, it’s not enough to do everything I’ve done for the past 10 years to try to get my life back to what was a blissful retirement … Now I have figured it out: I have to start teaching my children (OK, they’re 27 & 29, but it’s a place to start) about the meaning of 9/11 and what it should mean for the future: my future, my family’s future, America’s and the world in general’s future. Not exactly sure what those lessons are yet… Thank you.
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Chris Williams
{I wanted you to know how much I appreciated your program today (and of course previous programs). As an educator of elementary students, I realize how difficult it can be to address events like the Parkland shootings and highly political issues like gun control with young people. You presented both with such honestly, factual information, and heart. Most adults are afraid to even mention horrific events like Parkland, for good reason. Most of us don’t how to talk about it without infusing our own intense fear, anger, and feelings of helplessness. We’re afraid to pass that on without having solutions ready. Your program today gave kids AND adults reason to feel hope for change. Highlighting the survivors of Parkland who are passionately and actively calling out our politicians empowers your young listeners as well as the older ones to turn up the heat and get involved. Thanks Katie for your passion and willingness to speak about important issues with our young people.
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Annie Huggins
{Just wanted to tell you how good your recent remote broadcasts have sounded. Well organized and technically excellent. From having to do them for years, back in the day, I know how much work and planning is involved. That Children’s Hour, you and your crew of kids and support folks deserve a big HUZZAH AND HOORAY! Thanks for keeping it going and getting better all the time…
mystery person
Paul Ingles
{Can we just put all the kids in charge of the world, please? Seriously. I had such a delightful time with Katie Stone and her amazing team of kid broadcasters, aged 5-15, on The Children’s Hour this morning. What an incredible group of kids, who were so thoughtful and curious and had such great questions about hunger and food insecurity, a lot of which were during the breaks so they didn’t even make it on the air. I only got teary once, and I could have talked to them all day. And what a great opportunity the show provides for kids to learn the art & discipline of live radio. Kudos To Katie and her sweet, wonderful team!
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Patricia Keane
{Not just for kids ***** I listen every week and every week I learn something new. Not bad for a retired old guy, but kids love it too. My grandkids listen with me and sometimes cry when The Children’s Hour ends. We love hearing the kids voices on the air. Truly unique radio – unlike anything I’ve ever heard anywhere else. Give it a listen! –
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el Tweaker
{Great content for kids and adults! So much fun to listen to! Katie is a bundle of energy and a wealth of information! –
mystery person
{Gr8 Show today. iLiked song “our childrens childrens childrens childrens childrens”
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Jimmm Palmer
{I just want to take the time to express my delight with your show The Children’s Hour. I am a retiree and I sometimes catch your show while driving on errands. It is a really wonderful show that shows great respect for children! Keep up the good work. Parents and children need all the support and we can give them and The Children’s Hour does just that.
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Katy Sheridan
{Thanks Katie Stone, we love the Children’s Hour! It brings such joy to our Saturday! Thank you for all that you do for our community, it is a real and important service.
mystery person
{My kids and I love your show, thanks for it ?
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Aaron Harrington
In The Children’s Hour, Katie Stone and her incredible crew of energetic children have created an icon of New Mexico programming invaluable to the communities they serve.
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Michelle Lujan Grisham
{I LOVE that we have folks like Mayor Tim Keller, Senator Martin Heinrich, and Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham, who can come on The Children’s Hour Radio Show and have fun talking intelligently with our New Mexico kids!!
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Marti Reed
{Our family listens to your program whenever we can on Saturdays. Thanks for putting it on! We always listen to the calendar updates for kids, too.  
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John Cannella, Santa Fe, New Mexico
{I love the jokes at the show’s beginning; they are simple enough to share with my 89-year-old Mom, who has Dementia, but always gets the humor. All the Best~
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Marilyn Roy Topeka, KS.
{Most every Saturday morning, when most people sleep in a bit, I make certain that I am up by 7a. First, I have coffee with Weekend Edition and then sit back and let The Children’s Hour start my day with a smile! At 70, I’m certainly no child, but (worst kept secret in New Mexico) The Children’s Hour is for us too! I love kids and hearing their ideas. I truly enjoy the music selections by host ‘Katie’ as well. I have no clue how she ever finds the time to seek out these most unusual, educational, and entertaining tunes. Great guests, great music and great kids! I think we can all feel proud that this program originates right here in Albuquerque and at KUNM.
mystery person
David Michaelson
{I’ve been meaning to write you for some time now to thank you for last April’s Children’s Radio Hour the Saturday before Easter. The program was thoughtful, broadbased, and informative. I appreciated your inclusion of various high school students who had researched the origins of Easter in various cultures. The show was a good example of how public radio can offer the background of a religious holiday in a way that respects the tradition, without proselytizing. Thank you. Sincerely,
mystery person
Rev. Talitha Arnold Senior MInister The United Church of Santa Fe
{Hey Katie, you and your crew always sound great, but today’s show is really awesome! – (about January 5th, 2019 program)
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Andy Lyman
{We love the show and especially all the young radoists that make it happen every week, and of course the host Katie for giving it wings!
mystery person
{Such a brilliant show!! So timely, useful, heartfelt! So needed by kids–and their folks, but never mind. Once again, dear, you were over the top! Many many thanks for what you do (and do, and do). You are a gift to all of us out here in radioland. What a voice you are!
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Professor Enid Howarth, Albuquerque, New Mexico
{I learned so much from yr show last week, it filled me to overflowing!
mystery person
{Great show on mother’s day! it got me started on a letter/recording for my own mom. keep up the good work,
mystery person
{I don’t mind telling you that I had tears streaming down my cheeks listening to the Children’s Hour this morning.
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Anthony Anella
{I wanted to let you know that I LOVE the show — I’m listening right now. ?
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Evan Moulson, Boston, Massachusettes
{You did it again. What a beautiful show. What inspiration. Our governor is a wonderful person and encouraging our students? OMG!! You are the soul of our children.
mystery person
{Miss Katie made me cry today on the children’s hour. Very beautiful show! Especially love this land is your land sung in Spanish.
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Dean Buck, Albuquerque, NM
{I wanted to let you know that I LOVE the show — I’m listening right now.
mystery person
Evan Moulson, Boston, Massachusettes
{Keep up the great work! This is a terrific show.
mystery person
{You most definitely are kicking ass! My daughter is invariably transfixed. Keep it up!
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Philip Handmaker
{So I’ve always liked your show for the regular reasons – it’s smart and great fun to listen to on a Saturday morning. But there’s this other thing about it that is important to me…. A few years ago – must be four years now, five? – when my Dad’s dementia reached a point where he could still live with Mom in their apartment, but he started needing more help than we could give, we got some people to come in every day and help with breakfast and odds and ends. It mostly worked, but Dad was having a harder and harder time taking a shower, and he wouldn’t let the helpers (they were young women nurse’s aids at the retirement place where they lived) help him take a shower. That was too much indignity. So I started coming over a couple of mornings a week to help him take a shower, because I was a boy and someone he knew and trusted and it was OK. His dementia was such that he’d forget first steps of a routine, but once I got him going he was fine. I’d get the water started and adjusted to the right temperature, and point him to the shower, and hand him a washcloth and then the memory would latch on and he was OK. While he was showering, I’d get out his clothes, and help make breakfast, and just kinda be there paying attention to the state of his life. And so this became my routine, and by it I had the awesome experience of slowly, painfully measuring my father’s decline in really discrete steps – the same routine, every Wednesday and Saturday morning. More help dressing. More help showering. More help putting jam on his toast. He loved jam on his toast, but toward the end he hated taking a shower some days and didn’t really understand who I was. And it became the most important and hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, an experience I would not trade for anything but so difficult. And then I’d get in the car, emotionally exhausted, near or in tears toward the end, and I’d turn on the Children’s Hour while I drove home and y’all became this lifeline that dependably pulled me back, Saturday after Saturday. This is history now, Dad moved into a nursing home when it got to be too much, and he died two Decembers ago, and dementia is such that the grieving was mostly done by the time he finally died. But I always wanted to thank you for this, and have written this note a hundred times in my head, so there, I’ve done that. Thanks.  Cheers,
mystery person
{When I am in the car on Saturdays, I catch your show. I think it’s great. While I am a kid at heart, chronologically I am considerably older. I was tuned in on January 5th when you were at the Levitated Toy Factory (which I had to Google) and was tempted to stop by for a tour of the fire engine, but didn’t. I was surprised at how much I learned about ABQ Fire Rescue during the show. For one thing, I would never have thought of bringing food to the local station, but now I will. Thanks for a great show.
mystery person
{Listening to your talk with the Bernco treasurer. Great! Paying taxes goes back farther then the Pilgrims. In the Christmas story Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem to register to pay taxes to the Roman Empire. So I’d guess taxes have been around since at least when cities began.
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Ed Katzenberger
{I have to say I fell in love with The Children’s Hour because you really put on a great show.
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EPS, Los Angeles, CA
{It’s always a treat to listen to your show on Saturday mornings, even though I am a senior citizen. I love your involvement with the kids, the music, and the community activities you present for children and their parents. Keep up the great work for our kids!
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Mary Anne Giangola, Albuquerque, New Mexico