
Podcast: Play in new windowSubscribe: RSS Coming up on The Children’s Hour, we’ve got a lot of gratitude this year, for our health, well-being, families, food, homes, and so much more. We’re celebrating Thanksgiving with a musical special in recognition of how...

Spooky Halloween

Podcast: Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS | MoreThis time on The Children’s Hour, get spooked out with us as we celebrate kids’ favorite holiday: Halloween! The Kids Crew let us know what they’re doing for Halloween, and we learn...


Podcast: Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS | MoreThis week we have a special musical edition of The Children’s Hour that honors our dads, just in time for Father’s Day. We celebrate with music, poetry and history. This year Father’s...

Musical Christmas

Podcast: Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS | MoreThis episode of The Children’s Hour is a perfect musical accompaniment for Christmas celebrations. We mix treasured carols and new favorites, and the show becomes a sing-along....

Grateful For Grandparents

Podcast: Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS | MoreThis week on The Children’s Hour, it’s the season of gratitude, and we’re grateful for some of the most important people in our lives: our grandparents. The Kids have messages and stories to share for...

Patriotism & Leadership

Podcast: Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS | MoreThis time on The Children’s Hour, we have a show on Patriotism & Leadership. What does it mean to be patriotic, according to some bilingual 8th graders at Albuquerque’s Washington Middle School?...

For Our Moms

Podcast: Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS | MoreThis time on The Children’s Hour, we’ve created a show for our moms. Just in time for Mother’s Day, our Kids Crew and Katie have messages for their moms. We also have some poetry that...

Best of 2020

Podcast: Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS | MoreThis time on The Children’s Hour we are celebrating the best of 2020, which came to us in the form of Children’s Music! The Kindie music industry exploded with creativity, releasing hundreds...

Holidays 2020 Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS | MoreWe’re celebrating the holidays on The Children’s Hour with some of our...